
Love takes flight

Feel what’s going on within you.  What energy is moving through you.. where is this sitting in your body?   I am constantly amazed at how I can feel down, negative, irritable, fearful, worrisome… and another time, light.  Balanced. Open. Free. My awareness, focus, centered on love.

Two messages I received today caused me to stop and take a good look at this.  We are touched by someone’s wisdom, or a kindness and our hearts open wider.  I can now pass that beautiful energy on to another in however form that person needs… to my unawares that he or she may even be receiving it.

That’s how angels work in our lives.  All our relationships on this earth are to help us grow and transform.. sometimes through their difficulties and challenges and at other times through their example of love and generosity.  Blessings are found amongst us all, we just need to keep our eyes open or more importantly our hearts open and minds quiet.

Giving ourself some precious time of quiet.. listening.  What messages come from deep within your own Truth?

Envision yourself embraced by the comfort of angel wings.. softly encasing you in warmth and tenderness.  Wrapped in this light, welcome what needs to surface from deep within you and listen.  Listen to that Voice of Wisdom that we all hold but the external chatter of the world keeps at bay… let it out and sail on its endless, and limitless sea of possibilities…………. let it take flight, allowing your heart to soar far and wide, encompassing this magnificent universe of even more possibilities